May 30 2024 8 mins 3
Hey there, it's been almost a year and I'm not sure how to re-enter the podcast world or even the 3D at this time. So many changes but here is an offering as we navigate uncertain times. We often have no problem manifesting, but it's in the accepting and receiving that will typically (for me anyway) be the most challenging part. Learning to trust and hold onto love and support is a wound often skipped over by the glory of calling in what you want. But how do you hold onto it and not reject or push it away? Here is a timeline jump mediation for when you are ready. If you feel so inclined I am welcoming tips and donations as an energy exchange. Please also share this with those you think would benefit. Thank you. Sincerely, Marcella
Venmo @marcellakroll
PayPal [email protected]