Dec 19 2024 60 mins 1
The October 2024 budget proposes a number of very significant changes for those who were previously considered “non-domiciled” for tax purposes, with effect from 6th April 2025.
James Rivett KC and Emma Chamberlain are private client tax specialists who act for both clients and HMRC. They take a balanced look at some of the fundamental features of the proposals highlighting some of the main features, explaining what the new rules will do, what they don’t do, how they will/may work, who is affected and what one should be thinking of doing now if you are or are advising someone previously treated as a “non dom”:
- (2.07) Rewrite of the relevance of domicile.
- (2.36) The background to the proposed changes and what we can expect in the months to come, including HRMC’s technical note of 30th October 2024.
- (6.37) The new regime for “qualifying new residents” – part of the abolition of the remittance basis. They identify some of the potential difficulties such as the fact you cannot claim later and also the matching rules are affected.
- (11.45) Transitional reliefs.
- (26.09) Why the remittance basis is still relevant.
- (30.22) Changes to Inheritance Tax for both individuals (30.22) and trusts (36.18).
- (41.40) Transitional provisions including discussion of the relevant property regime and new exit chanrges (45.40), funding the new charges (49.55) and double tax treaties (51).
- (54) Should you consider leaving the UK?
- (57.57) Should you consider coming to the UK?
Addendum: If you are foreign domiciled and deemed domiciled but leave by April 2025 only a 3 year tail applies; if you are foreign domiciled and not deemed domiciled but have been here for more than 10 years no three year tail applies if you leave by April 2025.
Useful links
HMRC’s technical note of 30th October 2024:Reforming_the_taxation_of_non-UK_individuals.pdf
“Trust Taxation & Estate Planning” – Chamberlain & Whitehouse (Sweet & Maxwell) 5th edition 2024
Acts referred to
Inheritance Tax Act 1984
Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992
Taxation (International & Other Provisions) Act 2010
Taxes Management Act 1970
Income Taxes Act 2007
Finance Bill – 7th November 2024 – schedule 9: Finance Bill publications - Parliamentary Bills - UK Parliament
Particular clauses referred to
Section 809L ITA 2007
Section 809P(12) ITA 2007
IHTA S49(1) taking precedence over s48(3)
FA 1986 Section 102(4)
Sehgal v HMRC [2024] UKUT 00074
If you are foreign domiciled and deemed domiciled but leave by April 2025 only a 3 year tail applies; if you are foreign domiciled and not deemed domiciled but have been here for more than 10 years no three year tail applies if you leave by April 2025