Rob Harvilla on 60 Songs That Explain The 90's

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Nov 17 2023 37 mins   1

I'm so excited for this conversation with Rob Harvilla. he's the host of my favorite podcast, '60 Songs That Explain The 90's'. I have looked forward to Wednesday's for the last three years simply because that's when new episodes come out. Looking up the latest episode is the first thing I do when I wake up on Wednesday morning.

Rob is getting ready to wrap up the series with his 120th episode coming in a few weeks. Now he's taking his words to the page. He just dropped a book version of the podcast, also titled '60 Songs That Explain The 90's.' It's a lot of fun to go through, especially for a music nerd like myself.

I hope you check out the book, and that you enjoy this conversation with Rob Harvilla!