Mar 01 2023 11 mins 1
Fifteen years ago, in a moment of inspiration, I thought, what if I could create a world-class skincare brand from the ground up? The idea germinated for a while. Then 11 years ago, I left the corporate world, rolled up my sleeves, and gave birth to Avesence skincare without realizing all the struggle it would lead me into. At the time, I assumed I would be financially successful very quickly, but God had other plans for me.
To get HIS message, I had to undo many false beliefs and learn to appreciate each and every step of the journey. The whole experience led me to discover many life secrets, which I'm sharing with you, with the hope that it will inspire you to live your life to the fullest. Hello and welcome to Assertive Radiance. I am your host, Nadia Fleury. And today's episode: "What's a false belief?"
Thank you so much for tuning in. I so appreciate that you are here today. We are going to talk about what is a false belief and why it matters in the first place. The reason why it's important to know about your false belief is because, well, life is full of turbulence. You can never predict what's going to happen next. The better equipped you are, meaning more aware, the less affected you will be.
And so this show today will explain what a false belief is and why it's important for you to know or to notice the problem that it will cause around you. And third, I'm going to also share how to overcome it. A false belief is something that is not true but that you believe it is.
Most of the time, we swim in it so much that we don't even realize we are in it, just like a fish. If you try to explain the fish that is swimming in water, it will not understand what you're talking about. For him, it's normal. The point of this talk is not to eradicate every false belief there is on this planet that would take me the rest of my life without achieving anything constructive.
The idea is to bring awareness in your life to see how it affects you because, at the end of the day, we only have so much amount of hours in a day and so much amount of energy. And the whole concept of false belief. What it does is when you don't realize that it's in your programming, it can weigh you down.
And that is the reason why I'm bringing this up, because if you don't have a false belief that is bothering you, then you can soar, you can fly high, you can do your thing. You don't feel like you're always distracted with something. And false belief starts when either I pick up an idea and assume that it's true or someone feeds me information.
In this case, it happened years ago when the time when I was married, my mother-in-law, who is from the UK, shared her contempt for Indian men who walk ten feet in front of their wives. And when she told me that story, she was really not happy because, as far as she was concerned, she felt that Indian men were not respecting women.
But that was her belief, not mine. However, at the time that she mentioned it to me, I knew nothing of this whole world of belief. So, the story was somewhere embedded in my mind, and I completely forgot about it.
Then a few months ago, I was waiting at a red light and while I was waiting in my car for the first time, I witness what she was talking about.
There was an Indian man, perhaps in his late seventies, walking with a stick ten feet in front of his wife. The man looked frail; almost unsafe for him to walk alone. I thought that if he had been more considerate towards his wife, she could have been there by his side for support. But too bad for him that he chose this cultural habit over his well-being.
Notice here how my mind went into judgment, which was contempt for the habit because it's how I received the information while I was unconscious. Then the red light changed into green. And I drove away. But I brought negative thoughts with me. I kept wondering why Indian men behave like that? And suddenly, I felt a whisper from within.
What if what my mother-in-law said wasn't true? What if the habit is actually a means for Indian men to honor their wives by blessing the path their wives walk on? I will never know the true story. And bear in mind that the real purpose of this talk is not about knowing the truth about Indian culture.
It's about how I feel inside. I didn't feel good inside when my mind was swimming in judgment, but when I saw a different perspective, my heart swelled with love and admiration for the Indian man who was willing to fight lions and tigers regardless of how feeble he was to make sure his wife would be safe wherever she went.
As I mentioned earlier, the point of living is having the energy to do what we love most. Letting our minds drown with false beliefs by bringing judgment inside our hearts lowers our energy vibration. Our energy is everything because we can't accomplish anything without it. Our thoughts can get us frustrated or angry or bring us joy, depending on how we relate to the information we receive.
What I did in the car was to bring discernment. I gave myself space to think that there might be other explanations I was unaware of. The experience made me realize that our well-being is affected by what we bring inward, not just what we take in terms of nourishment but also what we choose to dwell upon. The only thing we can control is our state of mind, and if we desire to be happy, we must shield our thoughts the same way we safeguard our precious possessions.
Happiness is an inside job. Nothing or nobody can make you feel happy inside but yourself. So, if you don't like something in your life or always feel frustrated or angry, I invite you to reflect upon what you bring inward. The main question here is, why do we keep struggling with life?
Because most of the time, our false beliefs are unconscious. We swim in it without knowing any better and don't realize why we feel suppressed or oppressed.
Imagine you were told at one point in time that you were not good enough and you've been living most of your life without questioning if it's true or not.
Remember, the subconscious mind is not equipped to discern. So, if you state that the belief is true, your mind will make sure it is true until you change it.
It also explains why so many of us are stuck. You may have written your goals and objectives on nice paper, yet never seem to live your dream life.
And that's because we cannot rise beyond our unconscious limitations. When our soul is obstructed with false beliefs, it acts like a dark cloud suppressing our ability to see the truth. We can't see, hence why we lack clarity in what we want in life.
We don't know who we are or our true talents and abilities. Gradually, we lose touch with our intuitions. It starts when we are young.
At school, we get conditioned to believe that our self-worth resides in our grades. The elite must have felt ahead of the game until their minds got caught up in the competitive mindsets.
However, for most of us, when we saw red marks all over our exam papers, we felt degraded.
This programming follows us at work when we wait for our boss to decide whether we deserve a pay raise. I don't know about you, but when I worked in the corporate world, my yearly review was when my boss told me the 1% I did wrong.
I was unconscious then and didn't realize that brooding over the unfairness stripped me of my powers. I took the lie into my soul without realizing how much damage I caused to my "self." My powers reside in my energy, so anything that zapped my energy strips me from my powers.
In conclusion, if you have put your dreams on a back burner and can't master the energy to get going, I invite you to sit with your thoughts and see what's underneath.
Remember, the more you know yourself, the better equipped you are to face adversity. I hope that this episode was insightful. If you feel it can help a friend, please share it. Please stay safe and healthy, and let's chat next month. Have a fabulous day.