Dec 21 2024 14 mins
DAY TWENTY ONE - Be Friendly, Happy Kwanzaa, A Special Press Conference, and more
Welcome back to Day 21 - we are happy to have you back again!
Big news announcement today on the show, we talk about the special Kwanzaa Celebrations and we look at being a friend to others
Welcome to the Daily Santa Podcast - this is Day 21
This is the podcast where together, we countdown to Christmas one episode at a time
For the latest on the show or to find out more about us,
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Today we are going to be talking about: Being a Friend
One of the best gifts that you can give someone this year is friendship - whether you are an adult or a not, being a friend to someone could make their life better and yours as well
Here are 5 friendship keys.
1. Be open, kind and understanding.
Always be open to being someone’s friend
Even if someone is different than you - you can still be their friend
2. Be inclusive.
“Don’t let anyone sit alone!”
“When I taught little kids, we had a buddy bench where you could sit if you were looking for a buddy on the playground,” she says. “Just that tool alone let us really talk about what it means to be friendly with someone.”
3. ‘Be there’ for your friends.
True friends depend on each other. They have each other’s backs. They are a source of comfort to one another.
Reminding them that you want to be there, in the good and bad times, to support them (and) showing them you care means so much.”
4. Stand up for your friends.
One of the bravest — and kindest — things a kid can do is to stand up for a friend. And although it’s an important part of friendship, sometimes it can be a bit scary to do if a bully is involved.
5. Understand that friendships aren’t always perfect.
We all do better when we have a friend in our life - is there someone that you can be a friend to?
that new friend needs you , just as much as you might need them!