While we're in "post-pro" on our third season of Worst Movies Ever Played (coming soon!), here's a bonus made-for-TV style movie called Sunset House from the mid-80s horror anthology series Stories Related to and Generally Concerning the Graveyard.
Percy, an encyclopedia salesman, and Kushy, a van-loving vagabond, are amateur supernatural investigators who come upon a legendary haunted house. No one who stays the night survives until morning, and when the house traps Percy and Kushy inside, they soon learn why.
This special episode is a crossover with Shelterwood, an upcoming 16 episode docu-horror audio fiction series about a missing girl, an impossible suburb, and the American dream. Shelterwood is written and produced by our story editor Stephen Indrisano. Check out Shelterwood's Indiegogo campaign and delve into the mystery.
Your Director: Stephen Indrisano
Percy Marsten: Patrick Baker
Kushy: Geoffrey Golden
Story Editor & Sound Design: Stephen Indrisano
Straight to VHS is a product of Lost Cat Games.
Movie Trivia: The house used as the main shooting location was owned at the time by Kojak star Telly Savalas. In the background of the kitchen are a box of lollipops.