Tiera Rainey, Executive Director of the Tucson Bail Fund, joins Yvette Borja to discuss a resource document that the Bail Fund co-authored with the Milwaukee Freedom Fund, Community Justice Exchange, Free Hearts, and Montgomery Bail Out: Dismantling Carceral Debt: A Manifesto on Building Debtor Power. Rainey breaks down the devastating impact of carceral debt on formerly incarcerated people, shares how stigma and shame around debt and criminalization makes it difficult to organize around carceral debt, and explains how carceral debt funds critical government services.
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Read the Bail Fund's Manifesto here: https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/en/resources-all/dismantling-carceral-debt-a-manifesto-on-building-debtor-power#:~:text=The%20resource%20covers%20six%20critical,and%20rejecting%20techno%2Dsolutionist%20reforms.