Dec 18 2024 81 mins 1
This week's episode named by: ProTurfServ
- Holidays are always a little weird for our schedules with three hosts. Appreciate your understanding.
- This is the last B&R for 2024!
- WWW this week on the 18th will be our last WWW of the year.
- We'll be doing our annual St. Jude's fundraiser LIVE on Monday, December 30th.
- All you beautiful people.
Joe Knows Turf
- Greenwich officials shocked at cost to change to electric leaf blowers
- Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Manufacturers of Toxic PFAS “Forever Chemicals” for Falsely Advertising Household Products as Safe for Families
- Their Fertilizer Poisons Farmland. Now, They Want Protection From Lawsuits.
- Toro partners with Virginia high school for new turfgrass program
- UT Turfgrass Team wins National Excellence Extension Team Award
Special Thanks to our Co-producers
- 6r33k633k
- Johnny Fescue
- busybeezsturf
- bmossin
- lonegoose
- Turfology
- JesseB
- jbartleyw
- outsidefire
- smith1176
- eyesonme
- bwerthmann
- mtech217
- _miggity
- lcsturf
- tellycoleman
- paulsmith1110
- nreyes119
- rtfu
- matix6012
- wfcook
- webcivilian
- zach_h0495
- kennard777
- mattmac1r
- grounduporganic
- fenixlawncare
- halpeet
- seniorlawn
- guardwelldfw
- jonzyjones11
- dmiller7
- dclausen
- kmbell3837
- jharv3688
- johnavelluto
- 19852011
- sparkling_sparrow_89710
- neppy_dots