Feb 23 2024 24 mins 2
Today we’re talking nerdy about the biology and physiology of pleasure. This solo episode with Alex Nashton will explore why your brain needs pleasure to rewire itself, including the neurotransmitters involved, how pleasure increases neuroplasticity through this magical little molecule called nitric oxide, the physiology of pleasure and it impacts your physical, mental, and emotional health, and what the fuck is happening in your brain when you have an orgasm. In this episode we’ll also cover other ways you can increase pleasure beyond the bedroom.
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Episode Resources:
Women's Retreat to Puglia, Italy with Alex & Chrissy Constable June 1-8th
Apply for a 1:1 Coaching Conversation with Alex here
LEARN MORE: www.alexnashton.com
Join Alex's free challenge: 5 Days to Overcome Anxiety