May 22 2023 39 mins
This dialogue highlights why knowledge on conflict and conflict resolution is an essential skill for any society, and provides a broad introduction to the nature, scope and practices of conflict resolution. Knowledge on conflict resolution allows society to understand the fundamental problems that give rise to conflicts, the power dynamics and recognition of interests of all parties. It emphasises the contextual nature of descriptions of peace and conflict and the importance of a thorough analysis in determining the most effective course of intervention. Here, the notion of wise and unwise approaches in conflict resolution is explained by referring to the actions taken by parties to curb escalations of disputes, including shifting the emotional positions to the achievement of interests of both parties. Another crucial observation is the relationship between law and solutions proposed in peace and conflict studies, with examples from both interpersonal and international conflicts. The elaboration is based on the C.R SIPPABIO framework as a comprehensive approach to study conflict resolution as introduced by Emeritus Professor Dr Amr Abdalla in his scholarly works. The Islamic viewpoint on conflict resolution are discussed in an interesting way, and this dialogue further highlights how, in addition to focusing on legal interpretations, Quranic interpretations must also take into account ethical dimensions and accountability to God.