Aug 17 2024 15 mins
Hello And welcome back to Revelation Read along on
Moments with Moni
Today is Chapts 11-13 instead of the seventh trumpet, we have an interlude
Chapter 11 of Revelation opens with the Two Witnesses that some say mark the middle of the Tribulation, some say its just the beginning. So listen to the Scriptures carefully.
Chapter 12 The Woman and the Dragon are introduced and defined, as well as Satan who is thrown down to the earth after a fight with the archangel Michael.
Chapter 13, at this moment in the timeline of God’s written History of mankind (Remember God is outside of TIME, so He already knows our future happenings) we see the first and second Beast which usher in:
A one world government.
A one world Religion
A one world Economy
Amen….Here we go….