Jan 30 2025 39 mins 2
In this episode, Milton speaks with Halley Simpson, Recovery Coach and Alumni Outreach Specialist at Meadows Behavioral Healthcare, about being a Self-Preservation Four. Halley shares how the Enneagram found her when she was 19 years old and her journey in discovering that she is a Self-Preservation Four after initially thinking she was a Type Nine. With Self-Preservation Four being the most mistype of them all, Halley discusses the similarities to Type Nine and how it blends and adapts to seem like other types. She also talks about how her type contributes to her stoicism, which contributes to her not sharing her emotions freely in addition to her high threshold for emotional pain. However, her personality gives her empathy and compassion which allows her to do well in her work.
Milton's Links and Handles:
Join KCEP Program: kaizen-enneagram-community.mn.co
The B.I.G. Enneagram Retreat: bigenneagramretreat.simvoly.com/application
Milton's Website: KaizenCareers.com
Connect with Halley:
Halley’s Facebook: facebook.com/Halley.simpson10