Mar 31 2022 55 mins
Camp Counselors Lauren Jewell, Tish DeLano, and Special Guest Camp Counselor & Indie Scream Queen, Sadie Tate, creep through the crypt and discuss season three, episode two of Tales From The Crypt, “Carrion Death”
Hey Campers!
Why did the vulture cross the road?
Because the chicken didn't make it!
*Pause fire laughter*
In this flighty episode the ghouls and Special Guest Camp Counselor Sadie drink some wine and circle around such groundbreaking topics like: are vultures actually just feathered puppies (SPOILER: Yes), animal-human buddy cop films, Pursued by Bear wine, and leather-clad Crypt Keeper feet.
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Editing: Lauren Jewell
Logo: Tish DeLano
Producers: Lauren Jewell & Tish DeLano
Theme Song: Stevo Doccerson
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