Nov 01 2022 48 mins 1
Equine herpesvirus-1 can infect horses and cause mild respiratory disease, abortion in mares, and severe neurologic deficits. Dr. Lutz Goehring, the World Organization of Animal Health’s Reference Laboratory expert on equine rhinopneumonitis, weighs in on what researchers have learned about EHV-1, how it spreads, and how to prevent infection.
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About the Researcher: Lutz Goehring, DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM, is the Warren Wright, Sr.-Lucille Wright Markey Endowed Chair in Equine Infectious Diseases at the University of Kentucky’s (UK) Gluck Equine Research Center, in Lexington. He has an extensive background in research, scholarly journals, refereed book chapters, advising, mentoring, and service. Goehring is a specialist in equine internal medicine and a member of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine, and his research expertise has been equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV1).