Sep 28 2021 11 mins
This podcast provides guidance, tips, and suggestions about how to navigate the first 24 hours, the first week, and the first six weeks of having a child in foster care join your family. When you receive that call from the child protection specialist asking to place a child in need of foster care with your family, you are probably experiencing a range of emotions - excited, nervous, and a little scared, all of which are completely normal. And for the child joining your household, this is a scary and unsettling time.
The Montana Department of Health and Human Services partnered with the Center for Health and Safety Culture at Montana State University to bring you this helpful reflection of what the first few days and weeks may be and feel like, from From the range of emotions you both will feel to some behaviors you may encounter, parents and those in a parenting role who make the important choice to welcome a child in foster care will benefit from this guidance.
The first 24 hours, the first week, and the first six weeks after having a child in foster care join your family can be exciting as well as stressful. Listen now for tips and guidance to help you navigate this new transition and ease stress so you feel confident and ready to provide a loving home and experience for a child in foster care.