May 28 2024 2 mins 7
This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Norwegian, to improve your Norwegian vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Norwegian.
These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Norwegian language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Norwegian class. The more you expose your brain to Norwegian audio, the faster you'll learn.
View the full list of English and Norwegian phrases in this episode.
Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]
Phrases in this episode:
- Go get your brother.
- Be nice to your cousin.
- Tell me what happened.
- Don’t do that again.
- Hold my hand.
- Catch the ball!
- Look both ways before crossing.
- Wait for me!
- Help me bring the groceries in.
- Take your shoes off.
- Move that stuff off the counter.
- Hang your coat over there.
- Help me set the table.
- Wash your hands.
- Eat your dinner.
- Pass the bowl to her.
- Finish your homework.
- Clean up your room.
- Brush your teeth.
- Go to sleep.
- Listen to this episode several times.