Jan 29 2025 64 mins 1
John Ortiz and Jonathan Atleson from TriadHealing.com return to discuss with Dr. Haley, among other things, the 3 paths someone can take when fighting cancer.
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00:00:00 Intro Snip
00:01:57 Can you "program" water with your intentions?
00:05:05 Can Aloe Vera Cure Cancer?
00:06:15 Is there any truth to Rodney's testimonial video?
00:06:48 Who is Janice Jones and how did she beat lung cancer?
00:08:15 What are the three approaches to fighting cancer?
00:08:57 An Example of an integrative approach to fighting cancer where the natural things made the medicine more tolerable
00:10:32 What is the problem with taking only a medical approach to fighting cancer?
00:11:17 Epigenetics and what you can you about your genetic risk for illnesses
00:11:55 How are environmental factors, thought, nutrition and more all related from a chemical perspective?
00:13:00 What are the 9 common factors for surviving cancer and what is the concept of radical remission?
00:18:02 Do we choose to have faith or do we have faith because God reveals truth to us that we are sure of?
00:20:12 What is faith?
00:25:32 How do we demonstrate our faith?
00:29:25 What is death?
00:32:19 What is the purpose of inflammation?
00:33:39 Why does Dr. Haley think a medical only approach to fighting a medical condition is not wise
00:34:48 Is the all natural approach a good path to take?
00:38:32 The results of a study where 240 stage IV cancer patients got chemotherapy and 119 of those got one ounce of aloe per day
00:40:15 The Mocebo effect explained
00:42:03 Will aloe vera quench your hunger pains?
00:48:08 What is the recipe aloe vera, honey, and vodka all about?
00:48:40 Why did indigenous cultures add alcohol to raw eggs and how is this like egg nog?
00:49:43 How much milk should humans drink?