Feb 03 2025 30 mins 7
Missional community life can be challenging to sustain, and leading one often feels even more complex. How do you know if you and a potential co-leader are truly aligned? What steps should you take to get started? Navigating these questions well can make all the difference in building a thriving, mission-focused community.
This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll help you determine who you should lead with and how to handle disagreements along the way. Whether you're working with leaders you've developed over time or forming a brand-new team, we’ll explore the key principles that create strong, unified leadership in missional communities
- In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- What healthy missional community (MC) leadership looks like.
- The best ways to deal with conflict as leaders.
- Getting leaders on the same page as to “what the mission is”
- How practicing the 23 “one-anothers” from scripture is key to healthy leadership.
From this episode:“God shows his grace on Earth through people, and leaders show others God’s grace and what it looks like to know and live out the good news of the Kingdom in every area of life. Your job in leading a missional community (or a church for that matter) is primarily that–not to be in charge and make all the decisions about what everyone else is supposed to do.”Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Download today’s BIG 3 right now. Read and think over them again later. You might even want to share them with others…
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Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:Everyday Disciple MAKERS CoachingGet a free copy of Caesar’s book BIGGER GOSPEL and Learn to Speak the Good News of the Gospel Into Everyday Life! Click Here Now.Missio Publishing – More Missional Books and Resources
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