Dec 19 2024 28 mins
Today we look at what absolutely must be done so you can have an impact at the level of behavior so that you may set yourself and your company up properly to efficiently and effectively knock out your vision and big dream goals in the year ahead.
In this episode I explain the only way to replace habitual patterns of thought, word and action that don't support the vision and goals identified, and move in mental programming that IS supportive of the desired outcome. This will also help you to move beyond any limiting and false beliefs you may be holding onto.
This practice I share today will also help you move energetically into your vision. You must change the frequency on which you are living and the daily activity you are engaging in.
Listen to this episode as I wrap up this season giving you a head start on the shortest, quickest route to the realization of all your goals and dreams by learning to do things in a Certain Way..
I also share opportunities for you to enroll in upcoming programs and perhaps even make a carreer shift into this lucrative field of personal, professional and leadership development.
The time is now to get started on next year’s vision, goals and dreams. Your future self is watching you now through memories and will be so glad that this time you paid attention and got started on the achievement process the right way, the Certain Way, that assures your success.
Dr. Koz (and effect!)
Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.
The Genesis Frequency Podcast / Success Ocean International / LMI-USA
Personal, Professional and Leadership Development