What it takes to feed a school with Chef Manager Jon at The Queen’s School

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Dec 11 2022 22 mins  

#18 -Welcome back to The Queen’s School, Chester Podcast, where we talk to staff, parents and pupils about topics that are relevant to you. In this episode we’re stepping into the catering department because we’re speaking to Jon Simpson, he’s the Chef Manager at the school.

Now, we all love a good bit of decent food and this episode is great for learning more about what happens at lunchtime in school.

Jon’s going to explain how they get the balance between healthy nutritious food and what the pupils there really want to eat, why good nutrition can make such a difference for their work, and we hear all about the various dietary requirements they have today compared to life in the 80s.

So for all that and more come with me now while we speak to the school’s Chef Manager, it’s Jon Simpson.

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