Jun 10 2024 28 mins
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Written Summary Of This Episode:
- Click here to find the blog article (Find full transcript below)
Resources Of This Episode:
- Interested in my support to position yourself as the go-to expert and grow your visibility? Schedule a strategy session here.
Positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your field is key to attracting more of your ideal high-value clients, requesting the rates and fees you deserve, elevating your credibility and influence, and making a bigger difference through your work.
However, like many consultants, coaches, and service providers, you might experience feeling like a fraud or an impostor when trying to market yourself as an expert in your field.
Have you ever heard that nagging voice in your head saying, "But there's so much I still don't know! Who am I to call myself an expert?"
Positioning yourself as the go-to expert does not mean that you know it all!
In this episode, I'm going to break down exactly what qualifies as true expertise, debunk some myths and limiting beliefs that will stop you from positioning yourself effectively in your industry, and give you a four-step process to own your authority in an authentic way and with unshakable confidence.

What you will learn:
- How to reframe the definition of “expert” and address the limiting believes that stop you from positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your field
- How to identify the signs and the areas that will allow you to claim your authority in an authentic way
- What strategies to implement to hone into your unique positioning and attract your ideal clients
Other resources and inspiration:
- Article about imposter phenomenon in high achieving women
- Blog about dealing with Impostor Syndrome
- Past episodes:
- Dealing with imposter syndrome – With Melissa Parks
- How to be taken seriously as a coach and stand out from the crowd
- How to get your clients see you as the go-to expert
- Blog post: How to set yourself up as the go-to expert in your field
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