Jun 06 2021 73 mins
Watch this episode on YouTube! https://youtu.be/XQo6_RICA_o
In this episode of The Journal, I share why I left social media for 2+ months, how the journey of content catchup is helping me become a better video creator, and using the "wobble" I felt from social justice warriors with limited perspective to further my awakening on a spiritual level.
I talk about rethinking who my friends are based on how they approached 2020, taking complete accountability responsibility for all at the highest of levels, the realization that it's all happening "for me" — to help me awaken at a soul level, and the subtle ways ego can manifest in myself.
I share the new 2 stage process I've used to effectively edit my weekly vlogs in higher quality, and how incredible it feels to be levelling up the quality of my vlogs, my master plan for growth on my podcast and vlogs.
After listening to myself talk for months on end, I share an honest evaluation of my communication style, the simple hack I'm using to stop swearing so much, and my ideal camera set up (which may or may not include a full frame camera, plus a point and shoot).
I also discuss lockdown, my challenge with people not looking at the data, my guilty pleasure on YouTube and my new enjoyment of rap (???).
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Website https://joshmoxey.com
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