Dec 22 2024 17 mins
DAY TWENTY TWO - Making Mistakes, Selfie on the street, famous mistakes, Santa's Nice List and more
Mistakes are not fun
So, how can we help kids embrace mistakes?
Mistakes can teach you so much,
We can improve or what we shouldn’t do again.
Life is full of mistakes and learning from them
When we were learning to walk, we fell down many times.
It took time, but now we don’t even think of it now
Mistakes happen every day, to everyone!
So what do we do, when we make a mistake?
Here are 3 things that you can do when you make a mistake
1. We can ask for help.
When something feels difficult, we can always ask for help. Asking doesn’t mean we have failed - we just haven’t learned yet
Back to learning to walk, we need to hold someone’s hand as we learn
2. We can take a break.
Sometimes we get frustrated when we make a mistake
How about this as a guide..
“Make a mistake? Take a break!”
That’s easy to remember!
3. Ask an adult to tell you their mistakes
Our parents and adults that love us also make mistakes
Sometimes BIG mistakes
Ask them about their mistakes - I bet they have a few they can share with you!
See, you are not alone
Remember, mistakes are our best teachers
mistakes can be the greatest gift
From simple mistakes like spilling milk to large ones
mistakes can be some of the best lessons that we will ever learn.