Apr 19 2023 44 mins 7
Today, we survey the surprisingly varied artistic history of Dark Ritual. After a banging start in Alpha, we’ll go from clownish evil to a Frank Frazetta masterclass.
- See all today’s cards: https://scryfall.com/search?q=dark+ritual+unique%3Aart+prefer%3Aoldest&unique=cards&order=released&dir=asc
- TCG Player article also on coolest Dark Ritual art: https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/What-s-the-Coolest-Dark-Ritual-in-Magic/bd45e52d-4482-487c-9ed8-c131a1bc4f39/
- Sandra Everingham (Alpha) - 02:07
- Justin Hampton (Ice Age) - 04:53
- John Coulthart (Mirage) - 08:13
- Clint Langley (5th Edition) - 11:34
- Ken Meyer, Jr. (Tempest) - 13:40
- Tom Fleming (Urza's Saga) - 15:11
- Rebecca Guay (Mercadian Masques) - 18:49
- Mark Hyzer (Judge Promo 2009) - 23:07
- Richard Wright (Amonkhet Invocations) - 26:06
- Robbie Trevino (Strixhaven Mystical Archive - EN) - 30:09
- Rien. (Strixhaven Mystical Archive - JP) - 34:14
- Wonchun Choi (40K) - 37:44
- Frank Frazetta (Secret Lair Drop) - 39:32
- Which to cube? - 42:05
- Outro (and poem!) - 43:07
Music by Ikson, iksonmusic.com
- Intro - To You, by Ikson
- Outro - Summer, by Ikson
- 1:56 - Again, by Ikson
- 43:07 - Paradise, by Ikson