Feb 14 2025 54 mins 2
Welcome to another episode of the Doomloop Dispatch, the news show covering the worst parts of the San Francisco Bay Area. In this episode, Kevin and Scot speak with Betty Galbadon from East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE). She breaks down how a new Concord City Council member is trying to undo the rent control ordinance that started last year. After being on the council for a month, he wants to turnover a life-saving measure that took 8 years to pass. It’s clear this is just landlords, both local and statewide, sending a message. We get into the impact of losing the measure and how we can fight for it.
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EBASE: https://workingeastbay.org/staff-board/
Concord Mayor Carlyn Obringer website:
Pablo Benavente:
Previous episode:
Relevant articles:
Concord approves rent control ordinance amid long-standing opposition from CAA
https://caanet.org/concord-approves-rent-control-ordinance-amid-long-standing-opposition-from-caa/ (this is the opposition)
Concord Tenants Claim Victory With Council Approval of New Renter Protections
Tenants rally in Concord, opposing referendum on new rent stabilization, just cause ordinance
Concord rent stabilization ordinance put on hold, may soon go to voters
Local Landlords lose major rent control battle in Bay Area city
https://www.sfgate.com/local/article/concord-rent-control-ordinance-enacted-19412400.php –