Jul 12 2022 24 mins
When Roe vs Wade was overturned, did you wonder how you could help?
"Every podcaster has a voice" is the common language in the industry, but what happens when the voices combine to advocate for change? That is precisely what Arielle did with the recent Roe vs. Wade overturned issue. She posted a call to action on Twitter which exploded into people rallying around the effort and offering to play a consistent host read ad at the beginning of their episodes.
It's a simple but powerful way where we collectively can influence a topic. But, as Arielle shares, this is just the beginning, and future causes will be added as the idea expands.
Key Topics:
· What is the call to action you have asked podcasters to do (3:33)
· What were the expectations going into this idea (9:18)
· What pushback from the effort has there been since it started (13:05)
· How could others jump on board and help support other efforts (16:27)
· What does the future look like for Podcast activism (19:06)
· If a podcaster wants to support a future endeavor, where is the best place to connect (23:03)
Tweet that started the movement
Website link: (https://www.podvoices.help/)
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Community Manager at Squadcast
Founder of Ear Buds Collective