Jul 14 2024 33 mins
KingdomTalks with Reverend Neale Bacon on Ministering to Seniors & Veterans
Reverend Bacon is a chaplain, preacher, and gospel ventriloquist. He shares his experience serving the elderly in retirement residences and the Royal Canadian Legion branch. He discusses the challenges and rewards of ministering to seniors, the importance of treating them with dignity, and the profound impact of sincere ministry. Additionally, he provides insights on dealing with dementia, addressing the loneliness many seniors face, and unique ways to bring church services to those unable to attend traditional services. Whether you are considering reaching out to seniors or seeking inspiration for your ministry, this episode offers valuable guidance and encouragement.
Chapter Markers
- 00:00 - Reverend Neale Bacon shares his story about giving his life to Jesus
- 03:39 - To become a father in the faith, is it based on age
- 1:11 - Neal says ministering to the nursing home is completely different from an actual church
- 14:19 - There are a number of ways to minister to two seniors
- 27:36 - Many people are interested in reaching out to seniors with the gospel
- 32:29 - We are told throughout scripture to respect our elders, to look after the elders