Sep 20 2023 35 mins
Who takes care of the Blue? Air Force chaplains covering both the Air and Space Force!
Today's guest is Chaplain (Capt) Anthony Jenkins, active duty Air Force. Chap Jenkins has the somewhat unique experience of having been prior enlisted before becoming a chaplain; in addition, he has served both in the Air Force and the Army.
Notes from the episode:
Link to Air Force chaplain website:
Link to information on Air Force Reserves and Chaplain Candidate program:
Scroll about halfway to find a short blurb on the Chaplain Candidate program.
Many Windows: Conversations on Ministry is a production of Meadville Lombard Theological School. Theme music is “Destination” by Justhea. This episode is produced by Jules Taylor and as always, a special thank you to Tomo Hilbo.
(Justhea: and