Jan 09 2025 31 mins
In which our heroes equip themselves for the fight ahead...
Titan City Serials is an anthology of short adventure paths set in the fantasy noir universe of Titan City: a world where the existence of magic and monsters was revealed to the public in 1908. Society has had about twenty years to adjust to the new status quo. The government has created the Department of Monster Affairs, an agency reminiscent of J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, to enforce coexistence between humans and the supernatural. This has led to a chaotic melting pot across the world, but the largest population of supernatural beings is centered around Titan City. Players take on the roles of monsters, magic-users, costumed crimefighters, mobsters, DMA agents, Amazons, or any number of other possibilities as they fight to find their place in an ever evolving society.
The Titan City Serials podcast uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Green Ronin Publishing and Alexander Thomas. Ownership of these trademarks and copyrights resides entirely with their respective owners, and their use here is not a challenge to that ownership. Titan City Serials is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Green Ronin Publishing. For more information about Green Ronin Publishing and their products, visit greenronin.com. Use our offer code USPGR for 5% off your orders there.
The Untold Stories Project is proud to partner with sponsors such as Norse Foundry, the premier manufacturer of metal gaming dice. Use our code USPNorse to get 10% off your orders at norsefoundry.com. We also partner with Roll and Play Press, creators of quality content, accessories and gaming companions for tabletop role-playing games including an amazing group of adventures called One-Shot Wonders. Use our affiliate link in the description of this show to save 10% off your first order. https://rollandplaypress.com/idref7441125-832-00
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