Mar 14 2023 47 mins
James Lambert is a personal trainer, life coach, doorman (US: bouncer), and recently retired bareknuckle boxing champion. His presence is a unique combination of calm, humility, and thoughtfulness paired with the focus, dedication, and strength necessary for success in a world of oftentimes brutal combat. Today we talk about his life, his work, and his perspective on many matters ranging from love to anger to transcendence.
You can find James here:
IG: @jameslambertcoaching
Primal Nature is a podcast and center for psychedelic therapy in rural Spain.
We work primarily with people who have reached the limits of what rational analysis can offer in terms of healing or growth; our practice is centered on cultivating deeper relationships between feeling and understanding, body and mind, human and nature.
We offer therapy for individuals and couples, as well as workshops, retreats, and expeditions - in select locations throughout Europe, the Americas, and Africa.
Insta: @existential.hormesis