Jul 18 2024 12 mins
Does the weight of the world weigh you down? Have you ever thought about the weight of the armor that we as true believers are to be putting on daily? It's been quite the week with an assaination attempt, and yet God's mercy stands strong. We are in a spirtual battle, not playing in a play ground or walking through life in bunny slippers. Keeping our head on a swivel and using the armor we have been provided with by the power of the Holy Spirt protects us in these spiritual battles. Don't forget, the war has already been won. Jesus is already the Victor and is now asking us to take part in the battle to reconcile mankind to Himself. As we bow in prayer to battle, remember we are not battling against flesh and blood but against our spiritual enemy, that old deluder Satan who wants to undermine the foundation of the authority of the Holy Scriptures. Let's put that armor on, and stand together in prayer in these last days of the Church Age, as the Laodecian church emerges and is preparing for the the Great Apostasy on the horizon.
Easy quote to share:
The current definition of Progressive Christianity by David Alcott:
"The current western spiritual ZIETGEIST< (ZEITGEIST is kind of the world view of the Age) wrapped in moralistic/ therapeutic panantheism (Richard Rohr) that openly rejects theological authority and accuracy of the Bible, while at the same time identifying as Christians and followers of Jesus, with no essential Doctrines."
- Rohr and “The Universal Christ”–Arsenic-Laced Kool-Aid
- David Alcott and Alisha Childers on Progressive Christianity
- Alisa Childers I Blog- Recognizing Progressive Christianity - Recognizing Progressive Christianity