Apr 08 2024 57 mins
St. Clair’s Defeat in 1791 was—and remains—the worst defeat of the US army by Native American forces in American history, but it was just one incident in the complex relationship between the United States and the independent sovereign Indigenous nations who lived on lands claimed by the new country. In this episode, hear from Dr. Colin Calloway, Dr. Greg Ablavsky, and Dr. Lindsay Chervinsky about George Washington’s “Indian Policy” and the lead up to one of the worst disasters in US military history.
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Written and directed by Dr. Anne Fertig. Narrated by Tom Plott with additional voice acting by Dan Shippey, Matt Mattingly, Dr. James Ambuske, Michael Nephew, and Nathaniel Kuhn.
Inventing the Presidency is a Production of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association and CD Squared Productions.