Jun 30 2023 43 mins 1
Over iced-coffee (it's hot out), Carol and Jamie discuss what they have been doing in their kitchens, gardens and on the farm.
We talked about:
Attending Curdfest, in Brooton, MN
Carol's Herd Shares announcement
ForJars.shop and a 10% coupon code offer.
Coconut oil for fly control
Thank-you PeteCoSupply.com
PeteCoSupply.com is a generous supporter of this podcast. Their sponsorship gift allows us to pay for the hosting of this podcast. PeteCoSupply
PeteCoSupply.com is a small, family-owned business located in the heart of farmland in central Iowa. We take pride in providing you with the best service and products in one place. We bring over 25 years of customer service experience, strong relationships with vendors, and strong product knowledge to one place. PeteCo Supply is where Quality Meets Service, and we're dedicated to making your shopping experience seamless. PeteCo Supply is a financial supporter of this podcast. The financial gift pays for the annual hosting fees neccesary to distribute our episodes. We work closely with our vendors, distributors, and manufacturers, who will often ship the product directly to you. Although we're looking to expand our services, we only ship within the United States at this time.
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