Oct 03 2023 15 mins 2
Many people have heard of Shakespeare's greatest tragic hero, Hamlet, but surprisingly few have taken an interest in his actual origins, which date back to over half a millennium before Shakespeare's time.
In this episode I speak with St. Clair Publications' own Spencer St. Clair to discuss a collaboration that we are working on together, namely, a book that is tentatively titled "(H)amlet(h)" and which compares/contrasts the earliest known sources of "Amlóðasaga," featuring the proto-Hamlet character of Amleth, with Shakespeare's famous play "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark."
Strap yourself in and get ready to learn more about Hamlet/Amleth and the famous Danish historian, Saxo Grammaticus, and Saxo's most famous work, a complete history of Denmark called the "Gesta Danorum."
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My novel "Bloodsword Saga" is currently available on Amazon and you can find it by searching my name: Alan Laycock-Fuchs
Head on over to St. Clair Publications by visiting https://stclairpublications.com to learn more about them and their amazing collection of books and authors.
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