Feb 11 2025 12 mins
Your role as a mother shapes your child’s self-image, leaving a lasting impact on the world.
Today, Melissa is thrilled to chat with Aimee Greczmiel, former Fortune 500 executive turned Certified Life and Mindset Coach. Aimee’s heartfelt mission is to help mothers find balance and emotional wellness while navigating the challenges of motherhood and career.
Her journey from the corporate grind to a life of true fulfillment is nothing short of inspiring. Hear her story!
Topics discussed in this episode:
- work-life balance
- motherhood & business
- business success
- mindful living
- emotional wellness
- generational trauma
- digital detox
- mindset
- nervous system regulation
- LinkedIn™
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〉LinkedIn™: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melissa-henault/
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What listeners have to say:
“Her energy is always refreshing. I love being able to apply her strategies to whatever my project is at the moment.”
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