Apr 03 2024 50 mins 2
Today I’m talking nerdy with Emile Steenveld about emotional intelligence. In this conversation we’re diving into what emotions are, how fostering a greater level of emotional intelligence can improve almost every relationship in your life, how seeking discomfort and leaning into triggers can be one of the biggest catalysts for growth and transformation, and the necessity of integration after major perspective and mindset shifts.
Emile Steenveld is a Human Behaviour expert and transformative guide who has assisted countless individuals in their journey toward self-fulfillment and self-actualization. He leads his clients through deep internal shifts, addressing and mending long-held limiting beliefs and dismantling internal barriers that prevent them from realizing their full potential and success.
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Episode Resources:
Learn more & connect with Emile on Instagram
Join Emile’s Seeking Discomfort Retreat April 29th- May 3rd in Bali
Women's Retreat to Puglia, Italy with Alex & Chrissy Constable June 1-8th
Listen to Episode 31: Microbiome Magic: Neurotransmitters, Mood, & Gut-Brain Axis with Chrissy Constable on Spotify or Apple Podcasts
Apply for a 1:1 Coaching Conversation with Alex here
LEARN MORE: www.alexnashton.com
Join Alex's free challenge: 5 Days to Overcome Anxiety