Dec 22 2023 6 mins 1
Greetings and Apology
- Hello, it's been a while since we last connected.
- Apology for the absence in November and the delayed December episode.
- Explanation: The depth of the message I want to share is more profound than anticipated, so I chose to wait for divine timing.
Patience and Balance:
- Acknowledging the common experience of wanting things to happen quickly.
- Metaphor: Yanking a carrot from the ground doesn't make it grow faster.
- Importance of finding a balance between pushing forward and allowing momentum to unfold organically for well-being.
Upcoming Money Struggles Podcast Update:
- The episode on money struggles will be released in early 2024.
Year-End Reflections:
- Acknowledging the emotions of year-end.
- Common feelings: Excitement and disappointment.
- Perspective shift: Appreciating intangible aspects over material possessions.
Nature's Wisdom:
- Observing Mother Nature as a guide for transition.
- Insight: Growth may appear to stop, but activity persists beneath the surface.
- Trusting that achievements require a deeper process, much like a huge excavation of the old.Acknowledging Achievements:
- Celebrating personal achievements and progress.
- Encouragement to embrace, appreciate, and love accomplishments with gratitude.
Importance of Appreciation:
- Highlighting appreciation as the key to attracting more in life.
- Emphasizing the invisible nature of appreciation—it’s a feeling.
Managing Stress and Anxiety:
- Inviting listeners to slow down if chasing after the next thing brings stress and anxiety.
- 2024 Wishes: Encouraging entry into the new year with a balanced heart and soul.
Monitoring Energy:
- Differentiating between small bursts of effort and feeling out of control due to overwhelming tasks.
- Recognizing the significance of energy for productivity and well-being.
Reflecting on Actions:
- Posing a question for self-reflection: Are stress and anxiety related to personal growth or sacrificing health for performance?
- Closing wishes for an amazing holiday season and an incredible new year in 2024.
- Wishing listeners peace, love, and happiness within their hearts as the best state to awaken magic and creativity.
- Gratitude for listening.
- Call to action: If the episode resonated, share it with a friend.
- Closing well-wishes: Stay safe, healthy, and have a fantastic day!