Feb 25 2021 72 mins
Welcome to The Journal 007, a solo podcast series where we have a 1 on 1 chat. We talk about the realizations, perspectives, and experiments from recent experiences in my self growth and business journey — all from a psychological, systematic and spiritual perspective.
In this episode, we're going to be covering:
- My new minimalistic, simplified set up including a Herman Miller Aeron, Linnmon + Adils, and a new mic stand
- Spending more money in the short term to save more money in the long term
- Why I became a modern day hermit
- Launching without what you think you "need"
- Using incentives, timelines and essentialism to build urgency, clarify what's actually important and speed up the creation process
- The 1 thing I'm most excited for with having my personal website live
- My challenges with writing blog posts as a beginner, and growing skill through reps
- The psychology behind video editing, production and YouTube with Hayden Hillier Smith
- Gamifying the content catchup process
- How I've shifted my recording style to minimal vlogs (and why)
- Closing the gap on the quality of my inspirations' content compared to my content quality
- Why editing The Process 025 was gamechanger for my video editing style, essentialism, and detachment
- Why I'm actively cutting out bulls**t from my communication
- Why freedom and a camera are my biggest incentives for getting caught up
- Why I'm so excited about getting a camera, what it's going to fix — as well as what no amount of camera equipment will ever fix
- My updated favourite music genre rankings (it's different ever podcast I swear)
- Why I'm considering retiring from music festivals
- Applying mental budgets for positive behaviour
- The biggest changes I've made in Notion systems recently
- Leveraging Jupiter's energy for progress
- Why I'm studying movies and TV shows to become a better filmmaker/story teller/content creator
Hope you guys found this useful. If you get value, be sure to press the like button and subscribe if you're looking for a greater positive impact on your life — I'd be honoured to be that even just a little bit.
Thanks for watching and listening, catch you guys in the next video!
Connect with me elsewhere:
Website https://joshmoxey.com
Instagram https://instagram.com/joshmoxey
Twitter https://twitter.com/joshmoxey
TikTok https://tiktok.com/@joshmoxey