Feb 19 2025 56 mins
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“It Matters How We Treat One Another” is the social psychology show - now in its second season! Here, host Matthew David Vasko discusses all the various ways that we can improve our relationships with others - partners, children, parents, extended family, friends, coworkers, and all the different types of people with whom we share our beautiful and diverse world. Features include Inspiring News and The Quote of the Week. Find our premium content on our Patreon, including The Takeaway.
Season 2, Episode 9, Guest: Angie Chuang, Topic: Should journalists counter hate and lies? This episode is a follow-up to Season 2, Episode 6 on countering hate. In this episode, Matthew interviews media scholar Angie Chuang on whether or not journalists should make a practice of actively countering hate and lies.
Angie Chuang is an associate professor of journalism at the University of Colorado Boulder. Before entering academia, she was a staff writer for several regional daily newspapers for 13 years, including The Oregonian and the Los Angeles Times. She’s finishing a book called American Otherness in Journalism, due out this fall on Routledge.
Show links:
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/ItMattersHowWeTreatOneAnother/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ItMattersHowWeTreatOneAnother/
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ItMattersMerch
Patreon: http://patreon.com/ItMattersPatrons
Podcast website: https://it-matters.captivate.fm/
Host Matthew David Vasko’s website: https://matthewvasko.com/
Intro/Outro music provided by Adoremus: "I Pray We'll Be OK" by Adoremus: www.youtube.com/@adoremus2624
Additional music by Z19: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvfnVgE2H20vJQN4Yl7gbtA
“It Matters How We Treat One Another” is a production of Meta Key Productions, all rights reserved.
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