Apr 26 2024 13 mins
Exploring a different way of seeing from a little valley in South West Wales with me, Sue Heatherington.
In this episode, we use a poem I wrote earlier in March to explore our sense of the edge, what we might find there, and why we need travelling companions.
Read the poem in my blog of 15th March 2024: Softly walking on the edge
For more on Quiet Disruptors, including the manifesto, book, resources and podcast, go to Quiet Disruptors. The podcast can also be found on all podcasting platforms.
Thanks for listening,
Sue Heatherington
~ from a little valley in South West Wales
Sue Heatherington – personal website with daily poetic pauses, other words, and Be More Poet. You can also find me on LinkedIn and Twitter/X
Production partner – Steve Heatherington at Good Podcasting Works
Music: Classical 1, by Jonny S (Mixkit.co Classical-1-708)
This podcast is a Waterside Voices production.