5 Myths About Launching That Are Holding You Back From Your Most Successful Launch Yet!

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Jan 19 2025 22 mins   1
What if everything you thought you knew about launching was wrong?

When it comes to launching there are so many beliefs out there about what it takes to have a successful launch—beliefs that might be the very thing holding you back.

In today’s episode, I'm going to challenge some of the most common assumptions about launching and uncover what’s really standing in your way. If you’ve ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure if you’re ready to launch, this episode is for you.




  • Big audiences aren’t a must – You don’t need a massive following to successfully launch your business. Focus on building a loyal, engaged community instead.

  • Perfection is overrated – Waiting for everything to be flawless can delay your launch. Take practical, manageable steps and launch even if things aren’t 100% perfect.

  • Keep it simple – Launching your business doesn’t have to be complicated. Focus on clear, simple strategies to achieve success without overcomplicating the process.


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What if everything you thought you knew about launching was wrong? There are so many beliefs out there about what it takes to have a successful launch. Beliefs that might be the very thing that's holding you back. In today's episode, we are going to challenge some of the most common assumptions about launching and uncover what's really standing in your way.

If you've ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure if you're ready to launch, this episode's for you. Let's jump in. Welcome to the Your Dream Business Podcast. I'm your host, Riz Heath Waring. An international bestselling author, award winning speaker, TEDx speaker, certified coach, and the host of this number one ranked podcast.

I am so excited to guide you on the journey of creating a business and life that you not only love, but one that perfectly aligns with you and the season of life that you're in. In each episode, I'll share with you easy, actionable, and insightful strategies to grow your online business. Plus, we'll be diving into some mindset tools and [00:01:00] strategies that keep you focused, motivated, and motivated.

And are gonna stop you from getting in your own way. So if you're a course creator, membership owner, or coach, you're in the right place. Let's get started. Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Your Dream Business Podcast. How are you doing this week? One of my goals this year is to increase the podcast downloads.

It was kind of a goal last year, but I didn't focus on it as much as I needed to. So this year is definitely going to be the year. And I was doing some research. And do you know that around 70 percent of the people who listened to this podcast have not subscribed to it? So I'm wondering if you'll do me a favor.

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I'm going to bring in the best guests that help you move your business forward. And I'm going to work really hard on my solar episodes to make sure that you walk away with real tactical, strategic advice that helps you move the needle in your business. So that is my commitment to you. And all I ask in return is that if you haven't already, you hit that subscribe button.

Okay, let's get on with today's show. Today, we are talking about the five myths about launching that are holding you back. Now, when it comes to launching, it can feel really intimidating, especially when you're stuck believing one of these myths that simply aren't true. So today we're going to bust five common myths about launching that might be keeping you from achieving your launch goals.

If you have an online business, you might be thinking that you can't launch or your launch isn't going to be successful because of one of these five things that we're going to be discussing today. And I want to either reframe them in [00:03:00] your mind or just give you the facts about it and that it actually isn't true.

So let's get started with the very first one, which is a really popular one that I see. Myth one, my audience is too small. Now you might be thinking, I need, tens of thousands of followers or people on my email list in order to do a successful launch. And let's be honest, the more people you have, the better the chances your launch is going to be.

I'm not going to deny that at all. However, stopping a launch or not going into a launch because of the size of your email list is not something I would recommend. You see, when we get to some of the later myths, you will realize that launching is about learning and You can do that with a small list without doubt.

The other thing that's super interesting about having a small list is often your list is more engaged than a big list. So the other day I [00:04:00] was, I was actually taking part in someone else's online day. It was over the new year and they happened to mention on the live call. So it was a zoom call, how many people had registered for the event.

Now this person is a big YouTuber and they had 100, 000 people register for the event. But what was super interesting is their turn up rate was about 16, 000 people, which I know you're probably sat there thinking, I'd give my right arm to have 16, 000 people on my email list, maybe. However, when you work out the percentage, which is very easy in this case, that's a 16 percent turn up rate.

Normally, if I was doing a webinar or if I was doing something where I get people to join and I want a turn up rate, I would hope that that turn up rate would be more like 30%. So sometimes when you have a small list, you can actually get way better [00:05:00] percentages In terms of your engagement, your turn up and your purchases, then sometimes if you have a massive list, it's not about the size of your list, it's about the quality and how engaged it is.

And often those smaller lists can be more engaged. And just because you have a small number of people on your list doesn't mean you shouldn't launch. The people on your list are as likely to buy if they're on a massive list as if they're on a smaller list. They don't know. Someone on your email list has no idea how many people are on your email list.

For all they know, you can have 100, 000 people on there. So it makes no difference to them as to whether they're going to sign up, join. Get engaged with the launch that you're going to do of the size of your email list. I've had really brilliant success stories with members that I've worked with and clients I've worked with who have had a small list and they've launched because one of the things that they can do, which you can't do when you have a big list, is you can do a lot more personal [00:06:00] outreach.

You can do things like personally DM people, follow up with video messages. You can have one on one conversations with these people to understand more about them. When your launches get bigger and when your list gets bigger, it gets a lot harder to do that. And actually the reason I want you to launch with a smaller list is because now's the time you get to learn and practice.

Imagine doing your first ever launch to a room of 10, 000 people. That would be terrifying. And if you messed up, you're going to mess up in a big way. This is why you should be doing it. So your list is never too small to go ahead and launch. Yes, the truth is the bigger your list, the more you might end up with more customers.

But the, but the fact of the matter is there is no size too small. Okay. Myth number two. I'm going to give away too much of my content. This is a really interesting one. And one that is often a [00:07:00] conversation that comes up in my coaching sessions with my students. How do they know what to do in something like a webinar or a challenge or a bootcamp so that they're not giving away too much information And to make sure that the balance is right because what we don't want to do is we don't want to waste someone's time.

We don't want someone turning up to our launch experience and actually all we do is sell to them hard from the minute they get on to the minute they finish because that's not going to engage anybody. But also what we don't want to do is we don't want to you. Bring them into our launch experience, give them so much stuff that they need to go away and do some of that stuff and actually feel like they have no need to come and buy the thing we're trying to sell to them.

The truth is we need to give them something. We need to give them some content. We need to give them a quick win or an understanding. And I think this is more key. We often talk about share with them the what and the why and not the how. And I think that still stands. I think you [00:08:00] need to demonstrate. what it is they need to understand why they need it.

And then your course or your, um, membership or your coaching program will give them the how in detail. For me, one of the webinars I've done in the past is around the five steps to building an email list. I talk them through what those five steps are and why those five steps are really important. But what I'm not doing is showing them how to do those five steps.

Now, if they wanted to take those five steps and go and research them and go and do them themselves, then absolutely fine. No worries at all. Those people are going to do that anyway. They weren't ever going to come and buy my thing, but at least I'm giving them something to go on, but I'm not giving them everything.

Bear in mind, like I said, it's the what and the why, not necessarily the how. Myth number three, my product isn't ready yet. Now, you may have heard in the online space, sell it before you make it. And I have done [00:09:00] this a few times, including the last launch that I did back in December, which was a very small private launch to a select number of people.

And I didn't have the product ready at all. And I sold it on that basis. However, like I said, one of the things that I did was that it was with a very small group of people that I had worked with on a, I'd done a workshop with them over four sessions. And they had got to know me and understood how I worked and my knowledge and all that sort of thing.

It was much easier to offer them something and say, look, it's not ready, but it will be by this point. I think there's nothing wrong with that. As long as you deliver, as long as you then say, this is what you're going to get. And this is when you're going to get it. And the people that bought it back in December bought the course that I'm selling, they, the people who bought it back then got it for a much cheaper price because it wasn't ready. So it's almost like you're having to buy something before you see it and [00:10:00] before it's built out. And therefore you're getting the benefit of a cheaper price because of that. One of the reasons I really like is this strategy, not always, but one of the reasons for me personally, I like this strategy is that it pins me down when I say I'm going to sell something new or do something new. So for instance, let's take YouTube and I know it's not selling it, but I'm I've been talking to you for a while now, if you've been listening to the podcast for a while, about starting YouTube.

And it is a huge intention for me to start YouTube. And it was last year, but things got very busy and I had to push it. And then I'm having conversations with my team about whether I need to push it again, which I really don't want to do. But as I've not promised it to anybody, and as I've not sold it, and obviously I won't be selling it, it's YouTube, but as I've not made myself make a commitment, I can push it.

And that's the same with launching a product. If you have already sold the product, then you have no choice but to get it done. And but to ensure that you are [00:11:00] doing the thing. However, if you think I'm going to get it ready and then sell it, you might not ever get it ready. The other thing is You want some help in getting that product really good.

And sometimes creating it with your customers is a really good way of doing that. You haven't just spent the last six months creating a product to put it out to the world to realize no one wants it. Or they want it and they get it and it's not in the right format, or it wasn't quite what they thought.

So sometimes you don't have to have that product completely ready. You need to understand what's going into that product. So I was able to tell them the outline of the modules. I was able to tell them what templates they're getting. I was able to tell them the structure of the calls they were getting.

However, it wasn't actually done. until the new year. So if you haven't created your product and you're thinking I've got to have my product perfect before I actually get it out there, this might be the sign that you've been waiting for to go ahead and start to sell it. [00:12:00] And again, this is where small audiences can be good because you can have those conversations with people.

You can keep it quite tight and You can really kind of help them understand whether it's for them. But maybe this is a sign that you've been waiting for to get on and get that product launch. Myth number four. Everything has to be perfect. Now, I am a perfectionist through and through. I look at other people who launch and bearing in mind I don't

talk about launching and teach launching and do launching for a living. And this is very much my wheelhouse. And I look at the biggest and the best people launching and I in my head go, I need to be as good as them. I need my sales page to be as beautiful as theirs and as orchestrated as theirs. I need the funnels, the emails, that all of those things, I need it to be perfect.

But the truth is they never started that level. You might look at my stuff and think. I want to look like Teresa's, but I didn't start at [00:13:00] this level. I started at the pages that weren't perfect. The funnels that weren't a funnel, the webinars that weren't really well structured and kind of the way they are now, it was so different.

And I think thinking something has to be perfect is an absolute nightmare. When we try and make it perfect, We just don't do it. We just don't end up doing the thing because it never will be perfect. Things I write today are still far from perfect, but it never will be perfect. And I know that. The other thing that I mentioned earlier is I want you to understand that Every time you launch, you learn something.

You learn, okay, I did that and I didn't like it. I did that and I did like it. That had no effect. That did have an effect. And while you're trying to make something perfect, and while you're waiting for it to be perfect before you do anything, means you're not doing anything. And it also means [00:14:00] you're not learning.

So there's a saying, which is a little bit cheesy, Like, but it's, you know, I think it's useful, which is you either win or you learn. So you never lose, you never fail, you learn from it. And that's how I learned to do some of the things that I've done. That's how I know what works, what doesn't. That's how I know what converts well on a page and what doesn't.

Because I have gone through it so many times. I have shown up to a launch on a webinar and one person has shown up live. I've had launches literally fall on their backside and no one bore. I have had people that have come along and gone, this was the most amazing webinar ever and didn't convert. I have had Every type of launch you could imagine a boot camp, a, um, challenge webinars, open houses.

I've done them all and none of them have been perfect. Not one single one of them. So if you are waiting for it to be perfect, you are never ever going to do it. The [00:15:00] key thing that you can do on every single launch is track it, track everything that you're doing, whether you track it and go, God, I hated that, or that's a terrible result.

Still track it, still think about. What can you learn from that thing? And the other way to think about it, if this is helpful, is the person that you're trying to help on the other end, they don't need it to be perfect. They need the help now. If you're thinking of doing a challenge to get people motivated to, I don't know, start movement or finally clear out their wardrobe or whatever it might be, that person who you're trying to help, they don't care that it's perfect.

What they care about is that actually, I just want you to help me get motivated to do that thing. And by you holding back because you want it to be perfect, you're doing them an injustice. You're not helping your perfect customer. You're not helping the person who's out there who needs your help show up.

Do it the best you can, knowing it's not going to be perfect, but you're going to learn from it every [00:16:00] single time. Done is better than perfect, and learn from every single thing that you do. Fifth and final myth. Launching is too complicated. Now, people believe And I'm not going to say that they're wrong, that there are many moving parts to a launch and they're going to mess it up.

And the truth is launching can feel really overwhelming and I get it. However, this is where you have bits that come from everywhere and you're trying to piece together different things. And also when you're looking at someone else's launch thinking, I need to do that. I...