Jul 19 2024 9 mins 1
Time to pause and reflect on who we are and what we are becoming through the lens of a poem because seeing differently grows a new story.
Tracing the emerging threads of humanity that were evident in the poetic pauses for peace in the last episode, I continued to muse and wrote a new poem:
Am I ready to be human,
to embrace my multitudes
and know that we are one,
choosing to be fully present
belonging to this time and place alone?
Am I ready to enrol
in the school of interdependency,
letting go of my need to control,
to get it right, or push emotions aside
for fear that they will undo me?
Am I ready to be fully alive,
paying attention to strong roots
that nourish and sustain,
and keep me supple
in drought and storm?
Am I ready to live this season,
not deferring its entry or wishing it away,
open to the curiosity of possibilities,
the imagination of life
and the courage of hope?
Am I ready to be human
to play the part that only I can play
with humility, grace and joy,
alongside you as we walk together
in this messy and glorious world?
Are we ready to be more human?
You can find the original here: Are we ready to be human?
Elizabeth Oldfield’s podcast is The Sacred, and her new book is Fully Alive: Tending to the Soul in Turbulent Times, Hodder & Stoughton, 2024
Thanks for listening
Sue Heatherington
~ from a little valley in South West Wales
Sue Heatherington – personal website with daily poetic pauses, other words, and Be More Poet. You can also find me on LinkedIn and Twitter/X
Production partner – Steve Heatherington at Good Podcasting Works
Music: Classical 1, by Jonny S (Mixkit.co Classical-1-708)
This podcast is a Waterside Voices production.