Aug 18 2024 24 mins 1
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This is the second part of my discussion with Lynda Thompson, Ph.D. Dr. Thompson is a long-term leader in our field. She is a clinical psychologist, teacher, writer, and executive director of The ADD Centre in Toronto. She is a prolific writer and coauthor of The Neurofeedback Book, a classic text in the field. We talked about updating the book, exercises that people can do at home to improve clinical outcomes, and where she thinks the field is going.
Join Dr. Thompson on August 21st for her NRBS webinar.
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This podcast is produced by the Northeast Region Biofeedback Society. NRBS is an organization for professionals, students, and everyone interested in neurofeedback, biofeedback, and whole body health.
Learn more about Dr. Saul Rosenthal at
Contact us at [email protected].
Our theme music is Catch It by Coma-Media
The Healthy Brain Happy Body logo was designed by Alexandra VanDerlyke. Our heartfelt thanks to her and the rest of the team at Collectively Rooted.
#biofeedback #neurofeedback #nrbs