Jul 23 2024 42 mins 1
There is no one who understands a court reporter like a court reporter. I might even dare to say that there is no one who understands a court reporter at all, except another court reporter. This career can get lonely and isolating at times. However, after discovering social media, I felt a new world of connection in the industry.
When we leverage social media to build our personal court reporting brand, we can not only connect with other court reporters and make a positive impact on the industry, but we can also grow in our skills and businesses.
On July 12th, 2024 at the National Verbatim Reporters' Association in San Antonio, TX, I spoke on the topic of the Power of Social Media and Podcasts in the Court Reporting Industry.
Tune in to hear my story as I share about the creation and growth of the Court Reporter Podcast, the motivation behind it, and the power it has to connect us with other court reporters throughout the nation.