Vaginal Tearing during Birth: Real and Gritty

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Feb 14 2025 41 mins  

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Who's afraid of vaginal tearing during birth? Um...none of us want to tear our lady bits! We hear this all the time over on IG. We know this fear is filling your brain right now. So Trish is breaking it down today.

Vaginas are made to stretch and accommodate your baby. A vaginal tear is your body's natural response to a need for more room for the baby your body built.

I want to help you arm yourself with knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge combats fear. We love to disarm fears around here.

Fear and birth are a terrible mix.

Trish will break it all down in her particular unorthodox view of birth and all the fear surrounding it. Listen in, and let's talk about what vaginal tearing is, why it happens, who it happens to, and what you can do to TRY to prevent it.

More from this episode:

Get the tearing book here!

Full Article about tearing:

Link to Sitz Bath


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Produced and Edited by Vaden Podcast Services

Next Steps with LNM:

If you are ready to invest in your pregnancy & postpartum journey, you are in the right place. I would love to take your hand and support you in your virtual labor room!

If you are ready to dive into a birth class and have your best and most powerful birth story, then Calm Labor Confident Birth or The VBAC Lab is your next step.

If you have a scheduled cesarean, take our Belly Birth Masterclass and own that experience.

If you are a newly pregnant mama or just had the babe, you want to join our private pregnancy and postpartum membership, Calm Mama Society.

Remember, my advice is not medical advice. Always discuss what you learn with your team. See my Disclaimer here! Also, We make a small commission from some of the links (you don’t pay any more for using our links); however some of the recommendations, we do not earn anything; we love ’em and want you to know about them.