Apr 04 2024 22 mins
This episode of Veterans AZ shines a spotlight on the Arizona Veterans Mission Group, a nonprofit that provides legal assistance to veterans to help them receive the care and benefits they deserve. Join AVMG Director Anna Mineer and attorney Derek Debus to learn how they are helping veterans navigating the often complex world of VA benefits and the legal system.
Learn more about the Arizona Veterans Mission Group: https://arizonaveteransmissiongroup.org/
About Veterans AZ (VeteransAZ.org)
Veterans AZ is a video series that shares the stories of Arizona veterans and focuses attention on the many organizations and programs that serve veterans in the Valley of the Sun. The program is produced as part of the Scottsdale Veterans Advisory Commission's efforts to increase communication and awareness about veterans, their accomplishments, and the services and organizations supporting those who have worn the uniform of the United States armed forces. Produced by the City of Scottsdale, Veterans AZ features news and information from across the Valley of the Sun and Arizona. Veterans AZ is also available in your favorite podcast app.
Arizona governments are encouraged to air Veterans AZ on your channels – find full episodes, graphics, caption files and other resources in the Veterans AZ media portal: https://scottsdale.canto.com/v/VeteransAZ/