Apr 12 2024 69 mins
For the first podcast in over 2 years, we're covering my biggest mistake on YouTube so far. We'll be deep-diving into the most essential YouTube mistakes you need to avoid, how algorithmic/retention editing f**ked me up and the countless ways your ego will try and sabotage you in your creative endeavours.
We'll cover creative ego, quality vs. quantity, why the "big 3" took so long, the future of my YouTube channels, my failed leap of faith with consulting + content, doing what's required, energetic alignment, the power of getting to peace within your creative projects, and a whole lot more.
So excited to be back. Subscribe if you're new and into self-improvement and truth-seeking.
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🎧 Listen to the podcast
Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/id1305500400
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/6fd0ChHFAsjHIp9s8cbhg9?si=bzQPF96ZRNSngGSKF3iQIA
👨🏻🦲 About the creator
Josh Moxey is a performance consultant, content creator and self-improvement addict who has been dedicated to the path of mastery for over a decade. He helps entrepreneurs and creators get more out of themselves and their businesses.
⏱️ Chapters
0:00 My biggest mistake on YouTube
0:24 The return of the podcast LFG (2.5 year hiatus)
2:26 Where the 20-month hiatus came from
3:26 How retention editing and the algorithm changed me
5:26 Imperfection & my old YouTube strategy of volume
7:24 The weekly vlogging era
9:34 Working towards being a filmmaker
10:55 Studying the craft
12:10 My dark obsession with Hollywood/filmmaking
14:15 The moving video, extreme perfectionism & bottlenecks
18:26 How freelance marketing impacted things
20:28 Freelance was NOT the main cause
21:35 Consulting introduced... which complicated content
22:17 Timelines outside of my control forcing progress
22:52 Focusing on making videos instead of films
25:03 The leap of faith to focus on content and consulting
25:31 Why the Big 3 were such a grind
25:41 Why editing behind sucks
27:24 How not letting myself work on any other videos f*cked me over
28:47 Why didn't you just scrap these videos?
30:24 Why didn't you work through more of your energetic blocks?
32:05 Why you should edit RIGHT AFTER you film
37:31 Editing the Big 3
42:37 What it was like to finally close this chapter
44:47 The mismeasurement of my window
45:30 Creative ego: the ultimate trap
49:15 The failed leap of faith (I ran out of money)
50:40 Long-term patience with consulting
59:17 Embracing imperfection/keeping things simple
1:00:52 If you want to succeed on YouTube, don't do this...
1:01:38 My biggest lessons from this and what I wish I knew before
1:08:40 Amped to be back. See you next time!