Apr 29 2024 33 mins
We have reached a key moment in our studies in the letter to the Romans. Paul has spent 11 chapters detailing his great theology on what the gospel is. But it has to be more than head knowledge and so in these closing chapters, chapters 12 to 16, Paul tells us how we apply this gospel in our daily lives. He begins by detailing what our response is to God. Knowing the gospel means we respond in love to God and understand that everything we do is our spiritual worship.
Having established our response to the gospel is love for God, Paul goes on to talk of how the church its to be a place of sacrificial love. Believers are to be transformed by Jesus and not conformed by the world. We are to be different people who demonstrate a better way - the Jesus way. We are called to live as Jesus did so that we will show what the love of God looks like in our daily lives.
Romans - The heart of the Gospel is a teaching series from Annalong Presbyterian Church. Find out more at www.annalongpc.org/sermons.