Oct 23 2024
Experience the thrill of speculative fiction in Third Eye, season 2 of the NO FLASH podcast!
In art, as in literature, the fantastical and the weird can be found aplenty in Southeast Asia. Think of the Filipino artist-poet David Medalla, who proclaimed in his manifesto in 1965: “I dream of the day when I shall create sculptures that breathe, perspire, cough, laugh, yawn, smirk, wink, pant, dance, walk, crawl, … and move among people as shadows move among people.”
His speculative vision produced kinetic artworks, from machines that emit soapy bubbles to those that furrow sand. His sand machines, for example, are an amalgamation of futurist thinking and his personal memories of rice terraces in the Philippines. In his mind’s eye, Medalla saw dreamscapes of shifting scales where there were none. How might we see as Medalla did?
Deep dive into the mysterious, macabre and magnificent through the lens of some of Singapore’s most exciting writers, and see beyond the obvious as they reimagine artworks anew.
This season is co-edited by Nazry Bahrawi and features stories by Bani Haykal, Diana Rahim, Lisabelle Tay, Manish Melwani, Ng Yi-Sheng, and Wen-yi Lee. Original scoring and sound design by Mervin Wong.
Beamed direct from the Gallery's heart to the theatre of your mind.
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NO FLASH: The Official Unofficial Gallery Podcast is a production of National Gallery Singapore.
All rights reserved. Materials in this production may not be reproduced in part or in while without written consent of the Gallery.