Oct 14 2024 70 mins
Syd & Lex review 'The Fits' from Anna Rose Holmer and Saela Davis. Lex is blown away by the sheer accuracy of this film's portrayal of the struggle to grow into gender. Syd is swayed into giving flowers to this story, and its lead actor-ess.
Movie Info
The Fits
Synopsis: While training at the gym 11-year-old tomboy Toni becomes entranced with a dance troupe. As she struggles to fit in she finds herself caught up in danger as the group begins to suffer from fainting spells and other violent fits.
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The New Chitlin Circuit is the only podcast dedicated solely to highlighting Black, independent film. Every Monday, Syd and Lex review a Black indie, low-budget, or direct-to-tv movie. Some weeks the hosts dig into an edgy Hood-drama on Tubi. Other weeks, Syd and Lex dive into meditative, arthouse films. But every week, it's Black Indies Only.